Friday, September 23, 2016

Introducing Friday Five!

Happy Friday, gang! And a hearty welcome to fall! Thanks for finally getting here (late, but we love you anyway.) I am currently buried under two papers that need completed this weekend, but that's no reason everyone else should eschew all things intarwebby! I'm introducing a new weekly feature here on my blog: Friday Five, wherein I share with you how I have had minutes of my life sucked away by the computer box! Here are five cool things I found on the internet this week.

  • What's your Patronus? I think everyone has taken this by now, but in the event you're dragging your feet, here's a link! (I'm a greyhound, sleek and...gray.)
  • Set a goal of 100 rejections a year. I'm a big fan of my rejections, and you should be, too. 
  • Dancing in the Street, without music. I can't stop laughing.
  • In Defense of Short Fiction. "But this is what I have to say to the folks who say you absolutely have to write a novel to be taken seriously as a writer: *FART NOISE*."
  • Hygge! There's some discrepancy as to how to pronounce it (HOO-ga versus HUE-ga) but however it's said, it seems like a good idea. 
  • BONUS! My story, Forgotten God, is up at Darkrun Review. I'm officially published and the nay-sayers can go suck a butt.

That's it from me. Have a great weekend and stay cool out there! Crisp mornings are on the way!