Lovingly filched from my sister's IG. |
Instead I'm going to summarize it like this: My grandmother died. Yesterday was her funeral. My family is in mourning.
Also, I was in a car accident. On the way to the church my grandmother was a member of, my car was rear-ended by a taxi. It's still drive-able, but it will need some work, which means we'll be in a rental for a while.
The one-two punch unsettled my already precariously balanced mental well-being. As an introvert, of course I'm drained from the funeral and the calling hours, on top of my own mourning, but added to the mental maelstrom is the fallout from the accident. I'm a chaotic bag of mess right now, which translates into getting nothing at all accomplished until I have the space to sort this all out and deal with it.
There's work that needs done everywhere I look. I'm two days out from the deadline to submit Forgotten God to the online journal I wanted to. I have school assignments that opened yesterday and are due this week. Let's not talk about the condition of my house or the state of my laundry. I have a lot of work to do on top of it already being a busy, stressful week. All I want to do is curl up in bed and alternate sleep with reading. In times like this, I try to remind myself of the valuable life lesson that's given before a plane takes off. You must put on your own oxygen mask before you help anyone else with theirs. I have a lot of responsibilities that I put on hold over the weekend that are now flying at me, but I'm not going to be good to anyone, or truly accomplish anything if I don't stop what I'm doing and take care of myself first. Once I've put myself in a better state, I'll be able to accomplish so much more than if I just tried to do it now in the condition I'm in.