Dear Person Who Did That Really Shitty Thing To Me,
You suck.
Moving on now,
I'm not quite ready to move on yet. I still feel really angry. This is a sure sign I need more coffee...
News came in last night that Forgotten God will be up on Darkrun Review "in the next couple of days." I suppose that means I need to start behaving like a real person with social skills. I made a Twitter account, which is what all the cool writer-kids are doing these days for the purpose of networking and exposure and...whatever else it is people are social for. I'm holding firm, though: No Facebook.
In all honesty, though, I'm really looking forward to finally being a part of a writing community. Having support is necessary, but there's something equally essential about being in the company of people who know what it's like to be in the trenches. I've been contemplating reaching out to the writer's group on campus to see about joining up, but being a part of another group would take away from the already limited amount of time I have to actually write. But you know who would understand that struggle? Other writers!
Okay, it has officially been two hours. I quit. This musing is miserable, but it's an accurate representation of what it's like inside of my head right now. Grossness.